Documentation SironaTV

How to engage your residents and their families before is installed?

Residents and their families have to be warmed up to any new technology such as Without a step-by-step warm-up process, reluctance will be high and the uptake will be low and much as it may stall deployment. Use these ideas to increase:
The more you prepare and follow these guidelines the smoother would be the installation process.

Introduce early and introduce to family members – Expect reluctance and push back from both residents and family members. Write early and engage family members of the residents. This is key as many residents are influenced by their relatives.

Setup a in the Reception/Lobby – Introduce early by placing a device in a number of strategic areas like reception, lobby, activity rooms. Start talking about early with residents. Along with the device place this sign so they know in advance!

Run Focus Groups – Focus groups are a good way to not only get feed back your residents early and also to introduce Here is a format which can be used for a focus group. Focus group is the best place to find your early adopters. Start with early adopters and then move towards laggards.

Distribute Coming Soon Flyers– About 1 week prior to the introduction of, slip in a simple-to-understand flyer. Give them an expected date for installation. This will go a long way to smoothing the uncertain jitters of residents.

Post Flyers– At the onset of the project, paste 3-4 18×24″ posters. Each of the posters contains different text and images. You can download some designs here.


Be Ready with resident concerns. Here are some of the common concerns: 1) What would this cost me 2) Can I still watch my TV?  Address their concerns by having information and demo sessions.

Give them a reason – Once a resident finds their reason to use Sirona tv – there is no stopping.  We will need to help resident find their reason. Finding a reason can take some time, we need to keep engaging them until they find it! Some will find early, some may find it Below are some reason examples:

Reason to Use Steps required to achieve
I can easily call for help any time
Setup SBA system, nursing staff
Training of Staff, Smart phones
I would like to know the activities and menus – hence be ready
Community Managers are registered and trained to upload activities and measures
I love that my daughter can call me on
Relatives are added
Relatives are supported
I can watch my favorite videos
Resident is trained how to navigate.

Provide Resident Training – Although is simple to use, do not expect residents to start using without help. If you invest time and on a regular basis to introduce and train deployment will be easier, engagement deeper. Lead this with Introduction sessions, demo meets, focus groups where you demo, train and show how to use

Documentation SironaTV